Brett Riddle
My folks regularly attend this venue for the Wed's night Parma events, unfortunately getting a consistently good meal is harder than winning the jackpot on the Pokie's next door.
I attended with them recently and we all ordered the Aussie Parma, the eggs were left off each Parma and when Mum asked the staff where the eggs were, they jokingly suggested we had eaten them or they were under the cheese. Neither scenario suggested by the wait staff was correct. It seemed like a major inconvenience to get what was supposed to be topping the Parma and as the minutes passed, we nearly ended up eating the rest of the meal while the longest eggs in history were prepared, the apologies offered were by my Mum, nothing doing by the wait staff in the form of any sincerity or apology.
We are probably some of the most patient and understanding customers going around and make allowances, however there were barely any other diners eating at the time and coupled up with the weirdest looking mishmash of chip batches I've seen, this one goes down as an average-poor meal sorry. Very disappointing...
To the proprietors: Not sure if it's a lack of care in the kitchen, or whether you are unable to secure a regular chef, yet something's amiss and if you'd care to read these reviews you'd see it's hit or miss.